Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I am so squishy!

I made a last-minute decision to go to Zumba this morning...and I am so glad I did! I miss being active. After I took Hannah to school, I went back up to the gym and did some weights. And that was even better! I am so ridiculously out of shape right now. I had a hard time doing 10 push-ups (hands on the bench...not floor). Seriously?! 10?! Nu-uh! I may be pregnant, but that doesn't mean I need to turn into a weak, squishy person.

So I am going to stick to what I said I would do. Yes, I can't do Zumba 5x a week. Dr said. But she also said I could continue with moderate activity as long as I feel ok. So that's my plan!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

28 weeks

It's hard to believe I'm 2/3 thru this pregnancy. It seems like it has flown by. I keep worrying that by saying that, I'll wake up thinking "Is this baby ever going to come out?!" But so far, so good.

We found her crib, dresser, and a rocking glider w/ottoman. Now begins the task of fixing up my new bedroom so we can put her room together.

I have also decided, depending on who you are, you might not get to know the sex of the baby. I'm quite sick of the disappointed faces when I tell them we are having girl #3. And so far, my favorite response to those sad faces is, "No big deal...we're going to chain her up in the attic and try again.".

There's the belly. Week old sue me ;)

I am so missing exercise. I was lucky to teach last Friday, and the one before that...but tomorrow and next Friday I won't be able to, due to other commitments. I have also been slacking on doing anything at home on my own. My weights have dust on them, and I desperately need a proper stretch. I don't see that getting any better before the baby gets here...I have been so busy getting ready for her to get here, and doing all my favorite spring and summer activities. *sigh* Oh well. I will have time to do all that fun stuff day......right?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

So much has changed... plans to Zumba hard to the very end have changed. Baby was sitting low, causing trouble. So I am done teaching, at least full time. I am hoping to drop in and teach a class here and there, which I am told is ok. I can also keep up with weights, just modified. I am also going to take a yogalates class 1-2 times a week.

So now my days are full of cleaning and preparing for little one's arrival :) I am missing my Zumba classes like CRAZY so I am looking forward to my first class in 2 weeks tomorrow morning. YEAH!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The countdown is on!

Had my 16wk check-up this past Tuesday. Everything is going fine. Baby is growing properly, and she was even able to hear the heartbeat right away :D Thank goodness!!

Ultrasound is scheduled for March 18th...12:40pm....I really hope these next couple weeks go by fast! I can't wait to find out what it is!

I have started to feel the effects of class on my pregnant belly. Tuesday I wasn't able to go nearly as hard as I usually do, and I felt it. Oh well...I suppose I was going to have to bring it down a few sooner or later, right?
Kind of showing...not a is really hiding well.  Oh, but my Zumba pants are not fitting as nicely as they have in the past. *siiigh* I do not want to give up my cargos, but I also don't want to invest hundreds of dollars on new pants. I have already had to buy new bras...that alone was expensive enough. And I have bought some tanks, too. I can't imagine replacing the pants!!!  

That is...unless they come out with a Zumba Maternity line.... :D

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Great Debate

I am a member of a parenting forum site. One of my friends on there asked this question:

"Man and woman are together for over 10 years, in those years they produce 3 lovely children. They decide they no longer want anymore children. Woman wants something more full proof than b/c and tells man he must be snipped before they have sex. Man does not want to be snipped, neither does woman. Man suggest IUD, woman says no. She persists in telling him they will not have sex until HE gets snipped. She tells him either do it or leave. So he leaves. Woman friends comfort her broken heart by telling her he was a selfish asshole. Mans friends comforts him by telling him she is a manipulative bitch.

Whose the douche?"

Now....First of all, my stance on this is both are being stubborn and unreasonable. But she gets the douche award because she was withholding sex from him over it, and eventually the family is broken because of it. That is extremely selfish. So woman is the douche.

The problem I have is the amount of women who replied to this, siding with the woman! Some comments I read were: 

men should be doing the snipping because the women are the ones who go through intense and painful labor. 

(In response to the above comment from another woman)
This is a good point too. I'm sure his getting fixed is nowhere near as painful as labor, especially going through pregnancy and labor THREE times

This had to be the most irritating comment out of all of them.

YES, women are the ones who go through pregnancy, labor, and delivery. YES, women are the ones whose bodies go through Hell and back to provide a child. But it drives me NUTS when women use that as leverage in an argument. This is how God/Nature/Science created us. He/It created women to bare children. I wish women would stop using that as a bargaining chip.

Another one:
HIS body, HIS choice.
The my body, my choice ideal that i fully support, goes both ways.
And giving ultimatums is immature and manipulative and control-freakish. 

I liked this comment. It raises an excellent point. Why should women be the only ones who get to argue the "my body, my choice" point?

I could go on for a LONG time about all of this...I mostly wanted to vent about those two items. Either way, I am glad I have no problem getting a tubal or something of equal value when we are done having children. Vasectomies are more unreliable than female procedures, and 50% of men with vasectomies are at risk for developing dementia. So yeah....I'll go under for my husband and kids. Because I love them and I will do what I have to to provide the best I can. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Baby likes Zumba!

I think I felt my first kick today during class :)

It was during Sabrosura (toning choreo). I felt a very solid THUMP on the left side. Finally some action! 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

2nd Trimester!

It's official...I am 14 weeks today.

I am feeling better as far as exhaustion and morning sickness. I am not as tired as long as I get a little caffeine. Still teaching my classes....even added 5 Zumba Toning songs to Monday and Wednesday's playlist. Ladies LOVED it! I am very excited to add this new element to their workout!

Not really showing...just look chubby. But I am rockin' the maternity pants! SO comfy! Although, I am definitely showing in the chest region. The girls are large and in charge!! 

I am looking forward to my next appt...I will get to hear the heartbeat again and schedule my ultrasound! Still feelin' boy vibes.